Just the right mix!
Great fun for those who recognize this for what it really is - a simplified, turn-based aircraft combat manuevering (ACM) and tactics simulator using generic red+blue 4v4 dissimilar aircraft. This gameplay format is actually taken from the ritualized way that fighter pilots really work out and practice ACM. Think of it as a football playbook simulator for pilots.
No, it does not need 50 different aircraft and more space and, and, and... It focuses down on just the representative elements that really matter: "is your playbook sound?"
The Good: an addictively fun set-piece ACM dueling sim. I play this game all the time and even dusted off my old copy of Shaws "Fighter Combat" looking for 4v4 plays that might help my game.
Bad: Slooow to load. Missiles fly off and loop around and other Hollywood stuff before they hit. I wish there was more feedback on current energy vs turning radius since its hard to judge from the simple graphics. Also, no sideslips or offset manuevers can make my merge geometry hard to set up right.
All in all, a great little set-piece ACM fighter combat simulator. Nice work.
Post updates: ok, you added powerups - I guess that kills the realism and makes it into a toy/game instead of a sim. Please please give us the choice to turn these off if desired.
Tamooj about
Supreme Air Combat